02 February 2007

Replacement post

I'm not sure how many of you were able to sell your soul to Blogger in order for my page to load yesterday, but you should know that I took it down. It was all political and stuff, and it was written while my blood was still boiling a bit. I should know a)never to post political stuff, because I might alienate readers and I wouldn't like that, and b)never write political stuff (if it's necessary to write it in the first place) while in the throes of anger. I thought the fact that there were no comments illustrated that no one agreed with me, but then I found out that one friend couldn't load my page all freakin' day. That's just silly, Blogger. You should know better than to do that to a PMSing woman. (By "PMSing woman" I mean me. My friend could be, but we haven't updated each other in that field)

Here's a synopsis, since I hate it when people talk about things they did but then took down and I never saw it so I have no idea what they're talking about. I received an email forward that basically ranted about legal and illegal immigrants and how they're destroying America. And I got all angry because I'm of the belief that the immigrants themselves aren't the real problem, the employers who hire them are. So I ranted about how employers are the ones who should be blamed for destroying America, not the immigrants who come to work. And then I took a shot at Republicans, but everyone should have seen that coming. Because that's how I roll. (For the record, I like that we have Republicans in this world; too much of the same would be boring)

That's that. You didn't miss much if you didn't see the post, and if you did see the post and you hate me now because you're a Bush/Perry fan, maybe we shouldn't talk politics. We can still talk other things, especially if you're a WILCO fan.

In other news, nothing much has happened to me lately. I've been incredibly tired but I think that might be due to the fact that I don't eat wonderfully healthy stuff all the time and I tend to be a night owl. I see all of these skinny, energetic people all around me. It usually happens that they're vegetarians, and I wonder if I'll ever get to the point where I'll give up meat (beautiful, tasty meat) in order to try to lose weight. And then I wonder why the hell I want to lose so much weight in the first place, because as long as I'm healthy and exercising, what's the big problem? The boyfriend loves me the way I am, and that's worth more than a size 2 garment.

That's how my mind has been working lately, just hopping from thought to thought. Sort of making sense, but not extremely cohesive.

Here's what I'm going to do after work: SLEEP. I wish everyone sweet dreams for whenever your head hits the pillow.

30 January 2007

Daily Themes

So I'm in a posting mood today. Technically I'm starting this entry at 11:55 on Tuesday, but I might not get it posted until after 12:00 AM Wednesday. We'll see.

Lately it seems that life has been giving me themed days. A few days ago I was thinking a bit about death and everything that goes along with it. I think I'd had a dream about dying and had woken up a little shaken by it. Then I noticed that Fringes had a post about death. And THEN I saw the first of many front page articles about the Pitonyak case that concluded today. If you haven't kept up with it, just know that there was some gruesome death associated with that case, and reading the details shook me to the core. I just couldn't get rid of this fear that maybe that was going to happen to me, and I should really be careful about who I encounter in my life. (That's just a silly fear, but still, I'm happy with my little group of sane friends)

Today's theme seemed to be sleep; or lack thereof. I had a weird night last night, going to bed rather early. I woke up in the middle of the night, used the bathroom, came back to my bed to discover that I'd fallen asleep with my laptop by my side, plugged it in to charge, and then promptly fell right back asleep. I woke to my alarm thinking "What the hell? Didn't I just go to sleep?"

To continue this theme, my friend Becks wrote a post about her rather eventful night of dreams that seemed to interrupt her sleep cycle. Then the boyfriend told me that he barely slept last night due to a bit of nervousness about something that was to happen today.

Finally, I saw a Lunestra (no link, sorry--I'm tired and want to finish this) ad which, I thought, illustrated insomnia rather well. An ex of mine had (still has, I guess) insomnia something awful, so I can definitely say that of the many things I'm thankful for, not having insomnia is definitely one of them. I LOVE to sleep, and I simply can't imagine not having that one true escape from a stressful life.

The whole point of this post is to wonder if life has themes like this and I'm just tuned in to them for some reason, or if I'm just making all of these links up because I over analyze. Do you ever have days like this? When it almost seems silly to NOT take note of consistencies?

I've also gotta say that I love what Rolling Rock is doing with their ad campaign. They're airing apologies for ads that are apparently so contraversial that they can't air them on TV. Of course I fall for it and go to their website, but come on! A party gorilla AND men in a office wearing thongs? (you don't see the thongs, for the jackets cover everything) I'll fall for those two things any time.

Oh man

Second post today, so scroll down a bit if this is your first visit for Jan. 30.

Someone needs to remind me that I have no business getting a Pomeranian puppy in the Texas heat with my schedule. Because the video below makes me want to retire and watch Pomeranian puppies all day long.


When I was younger I used to be in awe of people doing things by themselves. How could they stand to do that, with no one with them? Why go grocery shopping by yourself? Why eat by yourself? And the ultimate, why go to a movie by yourself?

I think this may have been a result of always going places with my parents while growing up. We lived in the country, and in order to do anything other than see family (who all lived down our dirt road) we had to either travel to our hometown, which was 10 minutes away, or the nearest town with grocery stores and such, which was 20 minutes away. And obviously, it took a while before I could drive myself anywhere. So I was always with my mom when we'd go to the post office, to the bank, to the grocery store, etc. And I couldn't imagine doing any of that on my own. Because that just wasn't the way of the world.

When I began junior college in the above-mentioned nearby town, I had to start facing the world alone. I still lived at home, but my days were mine now, almost completely, and I began to go to classes, get lunch, go to rehearsals all on my own (not all the time, but you get the idea). And then I started to realize that people do things by themselves because IT'S AWESOME. It's refreshing to drive by yourself, to eat with a book or magazine, to even go to a movie all alone (I didn't do that until my last year of college, and that was mainly a way to prove to myself that I didn't need a damn boyfriend to go to the damn movies).

I guess I still prefer going certain places with others, especially grocery shopping. I still haven't quite gotten over that one. But every once in a while, I remember how I thought being alone was such a big deal; and even though I still think that today, I've just reversed the sentiment. I like it now, instead of fearing it. It's relaxing and a bit empowering.

By the way, if you haven't seen a movie by yourself yet, I highly recommend it. At least there's no fighting over what movie you'll see.

29 January 2007

Food diary

I just came across a post at Killer Rants! about things that are useless. Food diaries were mentioned, and this intrigued me. You mean someone (several someones, apparently) thought it was a good idea to publish a list of what they're eating? On the internet? Who cares?

But then I decided that I'd tell you all what I just ate. Yogurt. Yoplait to be exact. Light Harvest Peach. It's not that I particularly love yogurt. Or that I'm trying to be healthy. Well, maybe. I just wanted something other than waffles and pop tarts for breakfast at work. So I decided to eat yogurt again. Last time I did this, my stomach hated it after two weeks. We'll see what happens this time.

What did you just eat? Or what are you dreaming of eating?

If anyone's on a diet and starts bragging about their rice cakes, you should know that I might just have to loathe you. Unless you honestly love those rice cakes. Then we can maybe be friends. If you share. (I've never tried them, are they good?)