05 January 2007


That word looks like a French exclamation to me. Hence the exclamation point inserted behind it.

Rebecca tagged me with gusto, so I must follow orders and post. This might make or break some relationships, because after you find out certain things about me I'm not sure you're going to want to talk to me. Or you're going to want to marry me. I don't know. We'll see. (Fingers crossed for marriage proposals)

Five Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I used to eat my boogers. I know, every little kid did that. But I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the different textures, the different shapes, the joy of finding something in my nose that I could then put in my mouth. I didn't do this for long, mind you. It wasn't something that my parents had to call Dr. Phil about. I imagine that if they actually had called Dr. Phil, I would have eaten boogers well into adulthood just to punish them for bringing such an evil presence into my life.

2. I CAN NOT STAND DR. PHIL. Well, you may have known this about me, but I really really don't like that man. And finding the link made me look at his face, and looking at his face made me want to tell you how much I dislike him.

3. I secretly wish I was a photographer. I now live with one, and my secret (yet non-violent) jealousy for her might rear its ugly head one day soon. I have a fascination with beautiful photos and wish that I could afford a glorious camera to make me take better photos. Because that's all I'll need to be talented.

4. I got the title of my blog from a yellow turtle stuffed toy that I inherited when I started my new job. It was sitting on my desk. Now it sits on top of my monitor. Staring at me. I love him.

5. I used to daydream about the love of my life showing up one day out of the blue (this ended after high school). Normally the daydream consisted of me being in some kind of danger; or more commonly, a hospital bed (seriously, don't ask). I would wake up and there he'd be--never a face, just a presence. He usually had facial hair though; I knew that innately. Must be part of the reason I love the boyfriend so much, eh? Mmmmm.....beards.

And there it is. The marriage proposals should come with jewelry, by the way. My ring size is probably around a 5 by now. It used to be close to a 4 in high school, but I've gained weight since then. I like food, what can I say?

I'll tag Kim, Fringes, and Avi.

1 comment:

fringes said...

Thanks for the tag. You know I tell alllll my business on my blog, so I don't know what else I can spill, but I'll try for my Sunday post.

My sixth grade teacher used to eat her boogers. I guess it was a lifelong habit she never outgrew.