08 September 2006

Work & Play

Today we were finally able to drop students that did not meet a requirement of a particular class. There were only 4 total spots freed out of 5 sections. 4 spots. Over this last week and a half, we've had more than 4 people come in and call wanting to know if there were open seats. Now we wait and see if those people have given up on their quests or if they will persevere after all. Wish them luck.

Walking into work yesterday morning, I passed a group of four men who looked a lot like contractors. As I approached, I heard one say "Excuse me for what I'm about to say, but those guys are assholes." I heard 'assholes' the moment I passed. There was a beat, then three other men said things like "That's what I've heard" and "Well, I'm sure you know what you're talking about." There's nothing extraordinary about this story, but I love (LOVE) that awkward moment after someone says something like "those guys are assholes" when everyone else is trying to figure out how they should react. Even when I'm in the same predicament and I feel incredibly nervous, I still get a rush. It's when the listeners of the group are actually communicating through ESP. "What should we say? Who should speak first? Is he just saying this out of spite or does he know what he's talking about?"

Yesterday afternoon I went to my old work building. It was odd, especially the difference in how I felt walking in there. I didn't feel like there was a chance of me tearing my hair out at the thought of stepping onto the elevator.

UT plays Ohio State tomorrow. I don't care who you are or where you graduated from, I think it's almost impossible to live in Austin and not care even the tiniest bit about football season when it rolls around. Even if all you are concerned with is the lack of parking or the influx of outsiders, you're still engaged in this mammoth thing most of us call heaven. I don't have any tickets to games, but I do have a TV and a few bars within walking distance. I'm still a Bearkat at heart, but I can't help but root for the hometown boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um...Eat 'em up, Kats!

Thank you for your time,