09 August 2006

Hottest coolest time in Texas

I've had some kind of life lately. What's that all about? I'm supposed to not do anything productive in my day to day existence and then write about insightful thoughts I have. Oh well.

I went to Schlitterbahn recently and had a grand ole time doing so. My cousin pointed out during our visit that people our age were floating the river rather than coming into the park to ride rides. While I see the allure in that (no kids, no lines, no overpriced admission), I still really like the smell of sunscreen and the anticipation of going to a water park. I still enjoy the thrill of finally getting to sit in your tube after waiting 15-45 minutes and be shot around a water ride for 5 minutes (if that). I still want to ride the tram from park to park and remember the days when I didn't care what I looked like in a bathing suit. (Although according to my cousin the backs of my thighs looked better than some high school kid's in front of us. Ahh, how wonderful women are.)

I guess our next adventure will be floating the river, even though I'm not a good swimmer at all (I'm one of the freaks who never learned to tread water as a child). At the end of the day, tired and thirsty, the idea of just floating with a cooler full of beer within arms reach was tempting. But I'm glad we took the time to make what could be one of our last trips to a childhood favorite without our own children in tow. I recommend it. Recapture your youth people. And do it on the Whitewater Rapids tube ride.


Anonymous said...

Fun! I've never been to Schlitterbahn, but really should go - I loved water parks as a kid. And still would, if it weren't for the whole self-conscious thing, which is really stupid anyway.

The last time without our own kids in tow? Man, that makes me feel old.

soylentdeen said...

Speak for yourself... I plan on having quite a bit more fun by myself before I have kids.

Not to say that I don't want kids, just not now.

Anonymous said...

Hey fellow non-water treader! I've floated the river before and really, you don't need to tread water...you've got the tube, and depending on the time of year, you can usually stand up or at least bob up and down if you lose your tube. I recommend it, at least once!