10 July 2006


I am sad because Italy won. A big bunch of babies with nice hair.

I am happy because Oscar is coming over this morning to (hopefully) rid us of cockroaches. Please, everyone cross your fingers with me. Knock on some wood if you've got it handy. For god's sakes, pick up that head's up penny you see and think of us. Anything else for good luck? Which shoulder do you throw spilt salt over again?

I am tired because I had a lot of beer this weekend...which progressed to a lot of sleeping this weekend. Which meant that when it came time to go to bed last night, I was not having it. I stayed up too late. I woke up with thoughts of taking a sick day.....just to sleep. I have got to figure out a different way to make money. This 8-5 thing is for other, better people.

I am impatient for Thursday night. The long distance boyfriend will be in town, and we will be at the Drafthouse at 9:45, ready to sing along to Queen songs.

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